Property Maintenance


At some point of the rental process, maintenance will need to be performed on the property. At RentVest Hawaii we have a list of superb, preferred vendors for everything you can think of, from plumbers and AC maintenance to garage door repair specialists and beyond. The thing that separates us from many other property management companies is that McKay Mills – owner and property manager for RentVest Hawaii has a keen understanding of property maintenance and upkeep. His background in construction and experience in property management has saved many repair dollars for his clients.

Save Money! - Minor Repairs by McKay

Troubleshooting problems and being hands on for many maintenance calls, saves expensive diagnostic and service calls from vendors. Your RentVest Property manager will first spend time on the phone with the tenant troubleshooting, isolating, and sometimes diagnosing the problem. Sometimes, specialty work will be necessary that is beyond a “handy man” scope of work, and a licensed, bonded, insured professional will need to handle the problem.

Having that first line of defense for property maintenance by someone like McKay, will end up saving lots of dollars that would otherwise be going to a professional for an easy fix. Every tenant will have three ways to contact their property manager, night and day; phone, text and email. When such a case arises, your property manager will reach out to you directly to inform you of the repairs and plan with you (if necessary) the best route to take to solve the problem. Read the testimonials for more information.